[horde] Dimp: question about "locale"

Gerard Breiner gerard.breiner at ias.u-psud.fr
Thu Sep 18 14:33:53 UTC 2008


Horde 3.2.2-cvs
IMP H3 (4.2.1-cvs)
Dimp H3 (1.0.1-cvs)

I have some problems of translation english to french .  For instance  
Log  Out is  not translated . So I modified dimp/po/fr_FR.po. for having :
msgid "Log Out"
msgstr "Déconnexion"

Then  : msgfmt fr-FR.po -o ../locale/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/dimp.mo
Then I checked out my modification in dimp.mo by running :

export TEXTDOMAINDIR=/www/horde/dimp/locale
(LANG=fr_FR; LANGUAGE=fr_FR; LC_MESSAGES=fr_FR; gettext dimp "Log Out" )
I get the text "Déconnexion" as expected.

Neverthless horde/dimp still showing "Log Out" instead  "Déconnexion".
An idea about this ? 

Thanks in advance


Université Paris-Sud 11
Institut D'Astrophysique Spatiale
Gérard Breiner
Rue Georges Clémenceau
fr-91405 Orsay-ville 

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