[horde] Enable FROM-Field in Compose Message

MailingListe lst_hoe02 at kwsoft.de
Thu Nov 20 12:48:03 UTC 2008

Zitat von Michael Koehler <bittehier at nurfuerspam.de>:

> Hi,
>>> I´ve installed horde webmail 1.2 and latest stable horde/imp. In  
>>> both installations I can´t see the possibilty to enable the  
>>> from-field in compose new message-window. Where can I do this? And  
>>> I don´t understand the using of the settings under  
>>> options/mail/personal informations and then the fields "Your alias  
>>> addresses" and "Addresses to explicitly tie to this identity".  
>>> What could I do with it? My first idea was, there is a drop down  
>>> field in compose new message to select one of the allias  
>>> addresses, but it doesn´t work :(.
>>> Has anybody an idea how can I use this feature?
>> Do not lock the from_addr in prefs.php of Horde/IMP and be aware  
>> that you only can switch the identities in the compose window, so  
>> if you don't have multiple identities you cannot choose.
> I don´t lock the "from_addr" in horde/config/prefs.php and also in  
> horde/imp/config/prefs.php: If I understand it right, this entrys  
> are for the option settings and if I locked this, nobody can edit  
> the "from_addr" field, right?


> I knew that if I add more than one identity I can choose in compose  
> message window the identity but I´am wondering what can I do with  
> the fields "alias" and "tie to" in IMP options? What can I do with  
> this entrys? I think it could a useful thing, if I can choose in  
> compose new message window in one and the same identity a different  
> alias as a sender, isn´t it?

I never used and therfore never tried to understand the tie_to address  
concept, for the alias i *guess* they are used in Ingo to signal  
addresses which should be treated eaqual to the from_addr. As said we  
never used "alias" and "tie_to" but allow the users to have multiple  
identities and tie their real aliases to the identities they choose.  
Works fine BTW.



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