[horde] horde alarms.php script broken?

Robert Williams rjwill at seas.upenn.edu
Thu Jan 8 13:05:18 UTC 2009

Hello All,

I'm having a problem with the latest horde (3.3.2) alarm script. Since it 
was not working from cron, I ran it manually as a test and received this 

php -a horde/scripts/alarms.php
Interactive mode enabled

PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined function _detect_webroot() in /usr/srv/www/htdocs/horde/config/registry.php on line 54

I've seen this exact error in a few other posts with no working solution 
offered. I did see one suggestion was that "someone messed with 
registry.php", so I made sure to put a fresh copy from the .dist version in 
place (this does not change anything, the error persists). I also see the 
function _detect_webroot at the bottom of registry.php so I'm not sure why 
it's not found/defined. 

Any suggestions?


 ~ Bob 

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