[horde] Object id

comertoglu at itu.edu.tr comertoglu at itu.edu.tr
Fri Jan 16 12:37:46 UTC 2009

When a user logs in they get "The requested URL /Object id was not  
found on this server" and my error log says
File does not exist: /var/www/html/webmail/horde/Object id , referer:  
My pref.php for initial login is set to the default INBOX.

i added  var_dump($main_page); exit;
to horde/index.php right before the header() call, to see why the url
is an object, and which. (by using  
it returns as
string(48) "https://webmail-test.cc.itu.edu.tr/Object id #14"
i couldn't understand why this error occurs...

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