[horde] horde webmail upgrade issue

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Tue Mar 10 09:21:09 UTC 2009

Zitat von tom burkart <horde at aussec.com>:

> Hi,
> I have two issues with setup.php when upgrading from horde webmail
> 1.0.6 to 1.2.2 (Apache 2.2.10, PHP 5.2.6, SUSE 11.1):
> The output text of problem 1 is as follows:
> Writing main configuration file
> Loading database module...
> Updating database...
> [ ERROR! ] Reading the existing table structure failed. Error messages:
> MDB2_Schema Error: schema validation error
> default value of "pref_scope" is incorrect: "''::character varying" is
> larger than "16"
> The actual table definition is as follows (PostgreSQL 8.3.5, SUSE 11.1):
> CREATE TABLE horde_prefs (
>      pref_uid character varying(255) NOT NULL,
>      pref_scope character varying(16) DEFAULT ''::character varying NOT NULL,

What does this line mean, I'm not a PostgreSQL expert? This is what is  
causing the problem though, and I wonder if it is some weird psql  
stuff, or if MDB2 is broken.

>      pref_name character varying(32) NOT NULL,
>      pref_value text
> );
> This should be ok...


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