[horde] mime magic and application association: get rid of mime magic?

Dominique LALOT dom.lalot at gmail.com
Fri Mar 20 07:33:49 UTC 2009

LALOT Dominique a écrit :
> Hello,
> I sent to myself an email with an attach file of an excel document ".xls". I
> have no M$soft office product, so I generate that file from an oOo
> spreadsheet. Guess what? Mime type is:
> application/msword
> I suppose that the fact of using mime magic, we are not looking at the
> extension, but rather at some strings/bytes inside the file.
> 1. it's wasting a little CPU
> 2. don't see if it's very usefull
> http://wiki.horde.org/MimeMagic confirmed that excel type could be wrong. I
> have a setup with the php extension fileinfo.so

It appears that:
1. When I change the mime_driver and say inline=true, the already seen 
mails are still with the old value, so no links. That's probably a cache 
problem, but not annoying.
2. For the bad msoffice detection, it appears that it was a problem with 
mime_magic under linux debian etch. Installing the last mime_magic from 
lenny solved that problem.

> If we just want to rely only on file extensions, what should we do? Is it a
> good idea?
> Thanks
> Dom

Dominique LALOT
Ingenieur Systeme et Reseaux
Universite de la Mediterrane (Aix-Marseille 2)

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