[horde] Turba LDAP Contact Lists

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Thu Apr 16 08:49:35 UTC 2009

Zitat von Simon Wilson <simon at simonandkate.net>:

> I have Turba 2.3.1 in an LDAP backend configuration (Horde 3.3.4rc1).
> LDAP address books are working fine, shared and personal, for add /  
> edit / delete. However when I try and create a Contact List (select  
> contacts, Add to a Contact List - Shared Address Book, give it a  
> name), it tells me "There was an error creating a new list".
> My LDAP server has the following error message:
> Apr 14 10:57:34 server01 slapd[2776]: conn=2475 op=2 RESULT tag=105  
> err=65 text=object class 'inetOrgPerson' requires attribute 'sn'
> It is generating a name for it OK - previous LDAP log entry is:
> server01 slapd[2776]: Entry  
> (uid=20090414105734.18132bcih8razipq at mail.simonandkate.net,ou=simon,ou=personal_addressbook,dc=simonandkate,dc=lan): object class 'inetOrgPerson' requires attribute  
> 'sn'
> Is there a way to tell the submission query to not try and use  
> inetOrgPerson for a new list entry as opposed to a new contact?

No. Both, individual contacts and address lists, require the same  
object classes at the moment.

> Also, can someone please confirm - I have Horde LDAP Groups  
> (Administration - Groups) working fine, creating new groups, adding  
> members, etc, but that is just for permissions isn't it, not  
> membership lists or anything like that? I haven't been able to find  
> much about Horde Groups online...

What do you mean with member ship lists? There are a few other places  
where groups can be used, there is an address book driver for example,  
that can display other members of the user's groups. But the main  
purpose is permissions/sharing, yes.


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