[horde] sync help

J C jameync at hotmail.com
Thu Apr 23 20:48:06 UTC 2009

Right now we are using Squirrel mail which runs right on our linux server so right after we add an email user through the "Simple Control Panel" the user can access their email here http://www.jnctest.com/webmail/src/login.php.  This is just our test site.  I do not have to setup anything else for this to work.  My servers are through godaddy.  Suppose I get everything working properly my understanding is the admin portal for Horde will allow me to add email users and has an option to allow users who do not have an account to add themselves.  I did not know that IMAP/POP allowed users to be added or does the admin work another way?


Thank you again for all the help.  U guys have been very patient with me.  I really appreciate it.


Date: Thu, 23 Apr 2009 10:35:27 -0700
From: jdavis at standard.k12.ca.us
To: jameync at hotmail.com
Subject: Re: [horde] sync help

Ther are usually only two options - POP3 and IMAP.  Which server package are you using for a) sending mail (usually sendmail,qmail,or postfix) and b) retrieving mail (could also be the aforementioned, but if you're running dovecot, courier, or cyrus-imap, you're running IMAP).  I would hazard a guess that you are not running IMAP, and I believe horde requires IMAP.

see http://www.imap.org/about/whatisIMAP.html

Before diving into horde I would first use a conventional email client (thunderbird?) to try to send/receive mail to yourself to be sure your back end (SMTP, IMAP/POP, and DNS) are working correctly.  

Also, if you can telnet to port 143 you have imap.  

telnet <hostname or ip> 143

mine sez:  * OK <hostname> Cyrus IMAP4 v2.2.12-Invoca-RPM-2.2.12-8.1.RHEL4 server ready

If you get no response either your firewall is blocking or the service is improperly configured or just plain not installed or running.

I would again make sure it's running correctly before diving in to horde...

J C wrote: 
 Thank you for all your help.  I have added my email to through the setup and then try to login using that email address and another email address that is not an admin.  Both email addresses I put in for the user name and try to login.  I do not get any error and no login failed error.  The page doesnt change at all.  I am running a linux server and add my email address using simple control panel.  The emails are sent using sendmail.  I have the horde installed on the server that the email address are.  I do not believe I am using IMAP though.  Am not really sure what that is other than a way to retrieve email from a server offsite.
thank you for any help


Date: Wed, 22 Apr 2009 21:02:27 -0400
From: rgarbalosa at pjpii.org
To: horde at lists.horde.org
Subject: [horde] sync help


We have been working on being able to sync horde with mobile phones 
and outlook. It works like a charm in outlook however we are having 
difficulty with our mobile devices. We are trying to sync with the 
funambol client and we get the following message:

DEBUG: Backend of class SyncML_Backend_Horde created
DEBUG: Started at 2009-04-22 20:21:43. Packet logged in 
DEBUG: New session created: e4c483079fd5120089f98630defd516e
DEBUG: Checking authentication for user rgarbalosa
DEBUG: Authenticated: yes; version: 1.2; message ID: 1; source URI: 
fbb-601894621; target URI: http://mail.pjpii.org/horde/rpc.php; user: 
rgarbalosa; charset: UTF-8; wbxml: no
DEBUG: SQL Query by SyncML_Backend_Horde::readSyncAnchors(): SELECT 
syncml_clientanchor, syncml_serveranchor FROM horde_syncml_anchors 
WHERE syncml_syncpartner = ? AND syncml_db = ? AND syncml_uid = ?, 
values: fbb-601894621, contacts, rgarbalosa
DEBUG: No info about previous syncs found for device fbb-601894621 
and database card
DEBUG: Creating SyncML_Sync object for database card; sync type 201
DEBUG: Received <Final> from client.
DEBUG: Handle <Final> for state Init
DEBUG: Sending <Final> to client
DEBUG: Return message completed
DEBUG: Finished at 2009-04-22 20:21:43. Packet logged in 

The only difference I have noted from the outlook log message is the 
portion that states:

No info about previous syncs found for device ...

All the other lines look the same. We have tried syncing with my 
funambol at it works well. Is there something I am missing or can 
check. We are using the latest release of the horde webmail.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

Rudy Garbalosa

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Jefferson K Davis
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