[horde] Changes to .po files not showing in interface

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Sat Jun 20 10:13:13 UTC 2009

Zitat von "joel.joyner at uniserveteam.com" <joel.joyner at uniserveteam.com>:

> Hello. I have been asked to change the French translation for "Purge  
> Deleted" in the IMP webmail interface to from "Vider la corbeille"  
> to "Purger les Supprimés" in our installation of Horde on our  
> webmail server.
> I have been attempting to follow the directions in /horde/po/README  
> and at http://wiki.horde.org/Horde3Translation , but nothing I do  
> has made any difference in the text displayed in my browser. Changes  
> I make are simply not taking effect.
> The process I am using is:
> 1. Edit /horde/imp/po/fr_FR.po , making this change:
> #: mailbox.php:454 mailbox.php:522
> msgid "Purge Deleted"
> msgstr "Purger les Supprimés"
> 2. cd to /horde/po and run these commands:
> ./translation.php cleanup
> ./translation.php compendium -l fr_FR
> ./translation.php update -m imp -l fr_FR
> ./translation.php make -m imp -l fr_FR

The "make" command is sufficient if you only change an existing translation.

> (I tried it with and without the "compendium" step).
> 3. Restart Apache (I also tried complete stop/start of Apache and  
> rebooting the server). I clear my browser cache, login to webmail as  
> a test user, and check.
> And every time, the text is the default "Vider la corbeille". Does  
> anybody out there have experience with the translation.php script?  
> If so, can you let me know what I might be doing wrong? Any help  
> would be greatly appreciated.
> The output of the commands I have run is listed below, separated by  
> lots of dashes. Other information:
> OS: CentOS 5.2
> Kernel: 2.6.18-92.1.22.el5 SMP x86_64
> Horde Version: 4.3.4
> IMP Version: 3.3.4

I wouldn't be surprised if the distribution moved the locale files to  
a different than the standard location, i.e. /usr/share/locale instead  
of horde/imp/locale.

> [root at web1 po]# ./translation.php make -m imp -l fr_FR
> ---------------------------
> Horde translation generator
> ---------------------------
> Loading libraries...
> Console_Getopt... OK
> Console_Table... OK
> File_Find... OK
> Searching gettext binaries...
> gettext... found: /bin/gettext
> msgattrib... found: /usr/bin/msgattrib
> msgcat... found: /usr/bin/msgcat
> msgcomm... found: /usr/bin/msgcomm
> msgfmt... found: /usr/bin/msgfmt
> msginit... found: /usr/bin/msginit
> msgmerge... found: /usr/bin/msgmerge
> xgettext... found: /usr/bin/xgettext
> gettext version: 0.14.6 OK
> Searching Horde applications in /var/www/sites/horde/po/..
> Found applications: horde, turba, imp-4.3.4, mimp, ingo, mimp-h3-1.1.1,
> ingo-h3-1.2.1, turba-h3-2.3.1, imp
> Cleaning up PO files for module imp...
> Cleaning up locale fr_FR...
> done
> Building MO files for module imp...
> Building locale fr_FR...
> done
> Merging the PO file for imp to the compendium... done
> Results (including Horde):
> +--------+----------+------------+-------+--------------+------------+
> | Module | Language | Translated | Fuzzy | Untranslated | Updated    |
> +--------+----------+------------+-------+--------------+------------+
> | imp    | fr_FR    | 3256       | 1     | 0            | 2009-01-13 |
> +--------+----------+------------+-------+--------------+------------+

What's the fuzzy translation? Make sure it's not the one you just translated.


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