[horde] Installing Horde from Git/CVS

Michael Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Fri Jul 31 16:08:26 UTC 2009

Quoting Robert McAuley <rmcauley at ca.afilias.info>:

> I am trying to install Horde from the latest CVS/Git versions,  
> according to the instructions at  
> http://wiki.horde.org/Doc/Dev?referrer=ReleaseManagement, however  
> I'm running into a few problems on my CentOS 5.2:
> - The CVS line given doesn't work.  This I worked around by setting  
> my CVSROOT to :pserver:cvsread at anoncvs.horde.org:/repository and  
> checking out from there

I updated the wiki with more explicit instructions for CVS.

> - Installing the devtools package won't work:
> [root at horde-staging devtools]# pear install package.xml

you need to use `pear install -f package.xml` from the devtools directory.

> - Calling the horde-fw-symlink.php directly will work for symlinking  
> horde-git, but when you try to use horde-hatchery:
> [root at horde-staging horde]# php  
> ../framework/devtools/horde-fw-symlinks.php --src  
> ../horde-hatchery/framework
> horde-fw-symlinks.php: Horde_Cli library is not in the include_path  
> or in the src directory.
> Is this another missing step in the instructions, or a result of not  
> being able to install the PEAR package properly?

Probably a missing path in your php.ini include_path setting.


The Horde Project (www.horde.org)
mrubinsk at horde.org

"Time just hates me. That's why it made me an adult." - Josh Joplin

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