[horde] Install horde from scratch with a git/cvs

Ralf Lang ralf.lang at ralf-lang.de
Thu Aug 20 17:39:54 UTC 2009

Hi list,

> > Something is definitely missing from the docs.  At the risk of
> > sounding arrogant, have you tried following them yourself?
> Actually, yes. But most likely they don't fail in this manner since I
> have the correct include_dir already set.

I recently tried the instructions with plain newly-installed debian systems 
and it was quite an effort. Some problems resulted in questions to the list or 
changes to the wiki, though I may have missed some points out of (horde 3 
legacy) routine.

> Actually it is hinted at - that's what the line starting with 'echo'
> does. That line may need to be put earlier in the command sequence
> though...try performing the echo command before the symlink commands
> and see if that solves this particular problem.

Yes, it's odd. Changed it.

> While I appreciate the frustration at incomplete docs, please keep in
> mind that this is very much still bleeding edge code. That, compounded
> with the fact that we are in transition from one source code
> repository to another makes setting up the development environment
> somewhat tricky for some people. 
I think most people who try to set up a H4 development environment are aware 
of the fact that a checkout won't always produce an executable application. As 
with any work in progress, there are situations where documentation lags 
behind or where there is no clear upgrade path from one non-stable revision to 
another. Still, this moving target is quite challenging. This is one of the 
reasons that I decided to base my current horde-based tool on H3 + some frozen 
versions of post-H3 libs. This is also one of the reasons I usually spend the 
time I want to invest on the hydra app on finding out what's currently going on 
with H4 and how to properly do everything in the H4 way.

I'm not angry. Similar re-basing projects like the KDE3/KDE4 transition had 
similar impact. Maybe it's just not the right time to dive into a H4 project.

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