[horde] recommendation on using debian packages instead of tarball?

Robert P. J. Day rpjday at crashcourse.ca
Wed Aug 26 06:42:29 UTC 2009

  a question related to my earlier post on upgrading from 3.0.9 to
3.3.4 -- would it have made things easier if horde had been installed
via debian packages rather than just unloading the tarball?

  obviously, if one installs via tarball (which i have no problem
with, and that's how it's done here at the moment), then upgrading
from one debian version to the next would have had no effect on the
horde install, but that's what allowed it to get so out of sync with
the version of debian.

  what would have happened with a package-based install?  would the
upgrade process (from sarge to etch to lenny) have dragged horde along
with it, perhaps forcing the administrator to upgrade the database
each time?  i'm just curious.  and is there an opinion on how
well-constructed those debian packages are?  (or for any other OS,
like fedora?)

  and in case i haven't mentioned it, thanks to all who have been so
helpful thus far.


Robert P. J. Day                               Waterloo, Ontario, CANADA

        Linux Consulting, Training and Annoying Kernel Pedantry.

Web page:                                          http://crashcourse.ca
Twitter:                                       http://twitter.com/rpjday

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