[horde] expanding on the "pear install MDB2_Schema" step during upgrade

Robert P. J. Day rpjday at crashcourse.ca
Wed Aug 26 15:15:37 UTC 2009

   unrelated to what's been going on so far, i read ahead and in the  
3.2.x -> 3.3.x upgrade step, the user is told to:

   #  pear install MDB2_Schema

from a position of *total* pear ignorance, i typed exactly that and got:

Failed to download pear/MDB2_Schema within preferred state "stable",  
latest release is version 0.8.5, stability "beta", use  
"channel://pear.php.net/MDB2_Schema-0.8.5" to install
Cannot initialize 'channel://pear.php.net/MDB2_Schema', invalid or  
missing package file
Package "channel://pear.php.net/MDB2_Schema" is not valid
install failed

   that's exactly the kind of thing that throws someone off.  based on  
what i read, it would appear that i'm configured to only allow  
"stable" content, while MDB2_Schema-0.8.5 is labelled as "beta", is  
that why it's failing?

   if i run:

   # pear config-show

i can see:

Preferred Package State        preferred_state  stable

   i'm going to guess that i just have to switch that to accept beta  
content, yes?  it shouldn't be hard for me to figure out how, but  
that's *precisely* the sort of thing that should be addressed in the  
documentation -- what might go wrong at various stages and how to fix  


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