[horde] Problem in Rdo/RelationshipTest testing clotho example in MySQL

Elier Delgado elier.delgado at gmail.com
Thu Aug 27 21:55:35 UTC 2009

>>> I reproduced it and have fixed this specific issue. I've also fixed a few other things in
>>> Rdo that weren't working right, and updated the clotho example to work
>>> with the PHP 5 Horde_Db and Horde_Rdo libs. There's one more bug in there
>>> somewhere when running RelationshipTest.php; hopefully it's the last one,
>>> and I'll try to work on it more tomorrow.
>>> -chuck
>> Dear Chuck,
>> Thanks you very much, casually, I began to work on this yesterday,
>> because I need use it ..
>> so I'm available to test it or help you in you need.
> Great! I just pushed the commits that I think fix the remaining issues. I'm
> sure there are some things that should be done sooner rather than later -
> for instance, *_TO_MANY relationships can only be lazy right now - but the
> code is in better shape.
> Thanks for the (however long ago) push to fix this, and thanks in advance
> for any testing and suggestions and patches.
> -chuck

Hi Chuck,

I was testing the Clotho example, all seem ok, just I see this problem:

In RelationshipTest, if we have more than one availabilty for one resource,

INSERT INTO `clotho_resource_availability` VALUES ('1', '1', '1121404095', '2');
INSERT INTO `clotho_resource_availability` VALUES ('2', '1', '1121404096', '3');

The count in the asociated mapper do not work fine in this case:

// one-to-many
echo "Resource ({$r->resource_id}) {$r->resource_name} has " .
count($r->availabilities) . " availabilities:";

count($r->availabilities) = 1, when must be 2

while in CountTest work fine:

$ram = new ResourceAvailabilityMapper();
echo count($ram); // = 2

Great job! I will begin to testing it in a new context.

Best regards, Elier

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