[horde] Silver Surfer Theme - possible change

gimili gimili17 at gmail.com
Thu Nov 19 12:35:29 UTC 2009

Jan Schneider wrote:
> Zitat von gimili <gimili17 at gmail.com>:
>> I noticed that when I use the silver surfer theme I lose all the nice 
>> favicon.ico that are specific to nag and kronolith etc. in my 
>> bookmark listing.  They all switch to the small green horde 
>> favicon.ico.  It seems only happens with the silver surfer theme.  To 
>> save space, I don't name the bookmarks on my toolbar so having them 
>> all the same icon does not work as well.  Does anyone else notice this?
> Yes.
> Jan.
Thanks for the confirmation Jan.

I deleted the identical, green favicon.ico files from 
/nag/themes/silver/graphics/ and /nag/themes/silver/graphics/.  I did 
the same for kronolith.  I then replaced them with the ones from the 
default theme but this may not have been necessary?  I deleted my cache 
in ie and it now seems to be working.  Should I bother entering this as 
an enhancement request?



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