[horde] Silver Surfer Theme - possible change

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Thu Nov 19 13:28:11 UTC 2009

Zitat von gimili <gimili17 at gmail.com>:

> Jan Schneider wrote:
>> Zitat von gimili <gimili17 at gmail.com>:
>>> I noticed that when I use the silver surfer theme I lose all the  
>>> nice favicon.ico that are specific to nag and kronolith etc. in my  
>>> bookmark listing.  They all switch to the small green horde  
>>> favicon.ico.  It seems only happens with the silver surfer theme.   
>>> To save space, I don't name the bookmarks on my toolbar so having  
>>> them all the same icon does not work as well.  Does anyone else  
>>> notice this?
>> Yes.
>> Jan.
> Thanks for the confirmation Jan.
> I deleted the identical, green favicon.ico files from  
> /nag/themes/silver/graphics/ and /nag/themes/silver/graphics/.  I  
> did the same for kronolith.  I then replaced them with the ones from  
> the default theme but this may not have been necessary?  I deleted  
> my cache in ie and it now seems to be working.  Should I bother  
> entering this as an enhancement request?

The correct solution would be to create new favicon.ico icons from the  
Silver Surfer application icons, so that they match the application  
icons in the sidebar menu. If you do that, then yes, create an  
enhancement ticket and upload the icons there.


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