[horde] Turba ldap problem with search

Gerard Breiner gerard.breiner at ias.u-psud.fr
Mon Dec 7 09:36:47 UTC 2009


I have been  encountering a problem for a few days ago . with the 
localldap Directory. When I  request a search it doesn't return any 
contact. In fact, it only performs the request for a contact that is the 
administrator of the Ldap server.
I examined the horde.log in order to compare the request that works with 
one that doesn't works but they are identicals. 

the only one person for which it  works
Dec 06 19:34:56 HORDE [debug] [turba] LDAP query by 
Turba_Driver_ldap::_search(): user = , root = 
ou=personnes,dc=xxxxxxx,dc=fr (ldap.xxxxxxx.fr); filter = 
"(&(!(iasDateArchive=*))(&(cn=*cam*)))"; attributes = "dn, uid, cn, ou, 
title, mail, telephonenumber, facsimileTelephoneNumber, roomNumber, 
postofficebox, postalcode, l, labeledURI, jpegPhoto, iasFBURL, sn"; 
deref = "0"  ; sizelimit = 200 [pid 9196 on line 187 of 

One person of all others for which the request doesn't return any contacts.
Dec 06 19:35:02 HORDE [debug] [turba] LDAP query by 
Turba_Driver_ldap::_search(): user = , root = 
ou=personnes,dc=xxxxxxxx,dc=fr (ldap.xxxxxxx.fr); filter = 
"(&(!(iasDateArchive=*))(&(cn=*brei*)))"; attributes = "dn, uid, cn, ou, 
title, mail, telephonenumber, facsimileTelephoneNumber, roomNumber, 
postofficebox, postalcode, l, labeledURI, jpegPhoto, iasFBURL, sn"; 
deref = "0"  ; sizelimit = 200 [pid 9187 on line 187 of 

I traced /turba/lib/Driver/ldap.php and added at the line 484 a piece of 
debug code : 

$entries = @ldap_get_entries($this->_ds, $res);

and the result of var_dump($entries) for all of us is :

{ ["count"]=> int(0) } 

and for the ldap administrator 

{ ["count"]=> int(1) [0]=> string(14) "xx xx xx xx xx" } [10]=> 
string(15) "telephonenumber" ["facsimiletelephonenumber"]=> array(2) { 
["count"]=> int(1) [0]=> string(14) "xx xx xx xx xx" } [11]=> string(24) 
"facsimiletelephonenumber" ["iasfburl"]=> array(2) { ["count"]=> int(1) 
[0]=> string(57) "https://xxxxxxxxx.fr/kronolith/fb.php?u=xxxxx" } 
[12]=> string(8) "iasfburl" ["count"]=> int(13) ["dn"]=> string(45) 
"uid=xxxxxxxx,ou=personnes,dc=xx.x-xxx,dc=fr" } }

I replaced confidentials data by XXX...

I tried to perform a request ldap_search via http://....turba/test.php.. 
it works.

An idea ? Does the problem comes from ldap serveur ? 

Here is what give test.php :

  Turba Version

    * Turba: H3 (2.2.1-cvs)

  PHP Version

    * PHP Version: 5.1.6
    * PHP Major Version: 5.1
    * PHP Minor Version: 6
    * PHP Version Classification: release
    * *You are running a supported version of PHP.*

  PHP Module Capabilities

    * MySQL Support: *Yes*
    * PostgreSQL Support: *Yes*
    * Microsoft SQL Support: *No*
    * Oracle Support: *No*
    * Unified ODBC Support: *No*
    * LDAP Support: *Yes*


    * *PEAR Search Path (PHP's include_path)*:
    * PEAR: *Yes*
    * Recent PEAR: *Yes*
    * Net_LDAP: *Yes*

Thanks by advance for your help.

Best regards

Gerard Breiner

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