[horde] client mime-type mismatch

Andrew Morgan morgan at orst.edu
Thu Jan 21 19:32:13 UTC 2010

Funny story...

Our Exchange admin contacted me with an attachment problem that he thought 
was originating in Horde.  Apparently messages sent to Exchange containing 
attachments with the wrong mime-type were getting stuck in the message 
transport system.  They were not being delivered to a mailbox nor bounced 
to the sender.  When he rebooted the Exchange server recently to apply 
patches, suddenly all these ancient messages were bounced to sender.

The attachments were PDF files that had the mime-type 

I was able to replicate this problem on my own computer and started 
searching in Horde for some problem with mime-type detection.  Finally I 
realized that it was my own browser sending the wrong mime-type!  When I 
looked in Firefox's content-type handling, I saw:

PDF File (application/applefile)	Always Ask
PDF File (application/pdf)		Open with xpdf

Once I edited the mimeTypes.rdf file to remove all applefile references, 
the problem was fixed (for me).

Obviously, Horde is using the mime-type reported by the client browser. 
Is that still a good idea, or would it be better if Horde used it own mime 
detection (or fileinfo) on all uploaded files?

Finally, does anyone know how I got that crazy mime-type in Firefox?


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