[horde] client mime-type mismatch

Michael Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Thu Jan 21 19:51:57 UTC 2010

Quoting Andrew Morgan <morgan at orst.edu>:

> Funny story...
> Our Exchange admin contacted me with an attachment problem that he  
> thought was originating in Horde.  Apparently messages sent to  
> Exchange containing attachments with the wrong mime-type were  
> getting stuck in the message transport system.  They were not being  
> delivered to a mailbox nor bounced to the sender.  When he rebooted  
> the Exchange server recently to apply patches, suddenly all these  
> ancient messages were bounced to sender.
> The attachments were PDF files that had the mime-type  
> "application/applefile".
> I was able to replicate this problem on my own computer and started  
> searching in Horde for some problem with mime-type detection.   
> Finally I realized that it was my own browser sending the wrong  
> mime-type!  When I looked in Firefox's content-type handling, I saw:
> PDF File (application/applefile)	Always Ask
> PDF File (application/pdf)		Open with xpdf
> Once I edited the mimeTypes.rdf file to remove all applefile  
> references, the problem was fixed (for me).
> Obviously, Horde is using the mime-type reported by the client  
> browser. Is that still a good idea, or would it be better if Horde  
> used it own mime detection (or fileinfo) on all uploaded files?
> Finally, does anyone know how I got that crazy mime-type in Firefox?

Yup. This is a known issue with FF and has been discussed a few times  
on our mailing lists. In fact, there was a recent discussion about  
replacing client side with server side detection. See the following  
for the start of the thread:



The Horde Project (www.horde.org)
mrubinsk at horde.org

"Time just hates me. That's why it made me an adult." - Josh Joplin

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