[horde] datatree affecting performance

samer khalil samerk at aub.edu.lb
Mon Feb 22 08:27:23 UTC 2010


We're using  (horde) 3.3.6, (imp) H3 (4.3.6),  (turba) H3 (2.3.3) and
(kronolith) H3 (2.3.3) with Oracle 10G as backend database.

Enabling Datatree in causing huge performance degradation on the
Database server. Load on the apache/php server remains quite
The load starts when simultaneous logged in users reaches 1200 and
becomes nonfunctional  when this number exceeds 1500.
Is there a way to tune datatree for large environment without having
to disable shares?

Thank you,

Samer Khalil
Computing & Networking Services     American University of Beirut
E-Mail:samerk at aub.edu.lb  Room:341  Phone:961-1-350000 / Ext:2242

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