[horde] Horde Service Message

Eric Jon Rostetter eric.rostetter at physics.utexas.edu
Thu Jun 17 20:42:39 UTC 2010

Quoting "Litten, Rob" <rlitten at onecommunications.com>:

> Is there anyway that we can post on the main page when someone logs in of
> any updates we have done to the system like, future updates etc.

If it is critical, I put it in config/motd (or imp/config/motd, depending
on your setup) so it displays before login.  Then, critical or not, I put
it in the MOTD horde app (not released yet, but works in my setup).  But,
there is nothing to force them to view the MOTD messages -- you can force
it onto everyones Horde summary page, but they can bypass that by going
directly to IMP for example, so it may not be what you want.

If your IMAP server supports IMAP alerts, that might work for you also?

> Then when a new system is created we could just remove this flag and the
> message would show up again.

The MOTD application supports expiration times, etc.  Just not a way, AFAIK,
to force people to read or acknowledge it...

> Just figured as robust as horde is already that there is not some way to do
> this already.

I think the MOTD sub-project wants to progress to this stage, but is so far
lying in neglect... :(

> If anyone can let me know if this is done somewhere please let me know.
> Regards,
> Rob

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

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