[horde] imp servers.php quota config still checking after removal of config

Max Hetrick maxhetrick at verizon.net
Tue Jun 22 18:49:55 UTC 2010

After playing around with trying to get quotas to display by configuring 
the settings in imp/config/servers.php yesterday, today I needed to 
start all over again. I removed all the configurations I had entered 
into servers.php. Also, since I was trying to get this to work with the 
quota driver command for UNIX quotas, it was shown to use sudo to try to 
execute the quota call.

sudo: sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo

I used visudo as I'm used to doing to remove the sudo calls after 
deleting the servers.php entries. I restarted httpd on the server as 
well after doing all of this, yet everytime an authenticated user 
refreshes their inbox, I'm getting errors in my httpd/error_log stating 
that sudo has to have a tty.

Also, I'm getting errors from Horde saying that it's unable to retrieve 

www HORDE[1458]: [imp] Unable to retrieve quota [pid 1458 on line 1009 
of "/var/www/html/webgroupware/imp/lib/IMP.php"]

I understand both of these errors: apache has no authentication to call 
sudo at the moment, and imp is unable to retrieve the quota. But, how 
are these errors even possible when I've removed the configurations from 

I know some items in Horde, like user preferences, once configured in 
the user's interface, are forever their preferences. There is no 
"global" setting to default them back, which to me is a design flaw 
because then you're stuck with preferences in the database, but I digress.

Do settings once put into configuration .php files, such as 
imp/config/servers.php, also work the same with dumping something into 
the database? I certainly hope this isn't the case. Perhaps I'm 
overlooking something, but any ideas what to check out?


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