[horde] Translations Scry

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Tue Jul 6 09:54:48 UTC 2010

Zitat von webmaster at mairie-meyzieu.fr:

> I wanted to translated the beta module Scry in french but when I  
> make the translation, the Scry screen is still in english.
> Here is what I have done :
> I use the update command and the make command. The translation  
> script notice me that all is right and I have a fr_FR folder that  
> appears in the "locale" one of Scry.
> Then I restart the web services.
> I connect to Horde and have a look to Scry... in english !
> Do you have an idea about what 's happening here ?

No. :)

I assume your other applications' translations work fine? Restarting  
the web server should really have done it.


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