[horde] Migrate horde_prefs data from horde2 to horde3

lst_hoe02 at kwsoft.de lst_hoe02 at kwsoft.de
Thu Aug 26 19:36:50 UTC 2010

Zitat von Piotr Legiecki <piotrlg at ams.edu.pl>:

> Hi
> Does it make any sense to migrate data from horde_prefs table (horde  
> 2.2.8) to horde_prefs (horde 3.2.2)? I have looked at values stored  
> in this table and some fields have different data format. For  
> example pref_name='last_login' in old horde2 look like this:  
> 1282307628, and in new like this  
> a:2:{s:4:"time";i:1282824301;s:4:"host";b:0;}.
> Not sure about other values, but clearly just dumping and restoring  
> this data (horde_prefs) in new horde could cause some trouble?

I guess you should not do this. The settings and values used differ  
and you have no advantage in "migrating" this way. Better start the  
database from scratch and use the config/prefs.php to set useful  



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