[horde] Migrate horde_prefs data from horde2 to horde3

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Thu Aug 26 20:32:53 UTC 2010

Zitat von lst_hoe02 at kwsoft.de:

> Zitat von Piotr Legiecki <piotrlg at ams.edu.pl>:
>> Hi
>> Does it make any sense to migrate data from horde_prefs table  
>> (horde 2.2.8) to horde_prefs (horde 3.2.2)? I have looked at values  
>> stored in this table and some fields have different data format.  
>> For example pref_name='last_login' in old horde2 look like this:  
>> 1282307628, and in new like this  
>> a:2:{s:4:"time";i:1282824301;s:4:"host";b:0;}.
>> Not sure about other values, but clearly just dumping and restoring  
>> this data (horde_prefs) in new horde could cause some trouble?
> I guess you should not do this. The settings and values used differ  
> and you have no advantage in "migrating" this way. Better start the  
> database from scratch and use the config/prefs.php to set useful  
> defaults.

Actually it should work fine, as long as you follow the steps in  


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