[horde] (no subject)

Jon Spriggs jon at sprig.gs
Wed Oct 6 13:52:35 UTC 2010

On 6 October 2010 14:42, Simon Brereton <simon.brereton at dada.net> wrote:
>> 3- if no app is there a .mobi to look @ email?
> There is a mimp module (depreciated) that you can install - but that's a very WAP 1.0 experience.
> It would be nice to get bona fide clients for Android, BB and iOS, but that would be a job for a developer.

I experimented a bit with the horde XML-RPC interface to do some stuff
with Ansel, on my Android device, and I know that the android-xmlrpc
library works talking to that (although there are some problems with
the android-xmlrpc library in relation to responses which are "NULL"),
but I don't know to what extent the API extends across the mail

All the best,
Jon "The Nice Guy" Spriggs

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