[horde] Horde 4.0-Git Repository Git bugged right away after having installed

Gerard Breiner gerard.breiner at ias.u-psud.fr
Tue Nov 16 23:24:38 UTC 2010


Horde 4.0-Git on Debian Lenny

cd /www/horde-git
I get the repository :

git clone git://github.com/horde/horde

I configured framework/bin/install_dev.conf  :

// Debug output
$debug = false;

// Do git update before building web directory? If this is non-false,  
// this command in each repository
// $git = 'git fetch && ( git rebase -v origin || ( git stash && ( git  
rebase -v origin || echo "WARNING: Run \'git stash pop\' manually!" )  
&& git stash pop ) )';
$git = false;

// The list of apps to create symlinks for
$apps = array();

// The location of the horde-git repository
$horde_git = '/www/horde-git/horde';

// The web-accessible base directory for horde
$web_dir = '/www/horde4';

// The group name/mode to use for the '/horde/static' directory
$static_group = 'webadm';
$static_mode = 0775;

php framework/bin/install_dev
php framework/bin/install_framework --dest  /www/horde4/libs --horde / 

cd /www/horde-git/horde/horde/config
cp conf.php.dist conf.php

Then in my navigator I get this message .

Warning: set_exception_handler() expects the argument (Horde::fatal)  
to be a valid callback in /www/horde-git/horde/horde/lib/core.php on  
line 50

Fatal error: Class 'Horde_Registry_Application' not found in /www/ 
horde-git/horde/horde/lib/Application.php on line 20

Thanks in advance for any help


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