[horde] Horde 4.0-Git Repository Git bugged right away after having installed
Gerard Breiner
gerard.breiner at ias.u-psud.fr
Wed Nov 17 14:15:52 UTC 2010
Gerard Breiner a écrit :
> Michael M Slusarz a écrit :
>> Quoting Gerard Breiner <gerard.breiner at ias.u-psud.fr>:
>>> php framework/bin/install_framework --dest /www/horde4/libs --horde
>>> /www/horde-git/horde
>> Do not run this. install_dev does the necessary stuff to properly
>> install the framework.
>>> cd /www/horde-git/horde/horde/config
>>> cp conf.php.dist conf.php
>>> Then in my navigator I get this message .
>>> Warning: set_exception_handler() expects the argument (Horde::fatal)
>>> to be a valid callback in /www/horde-git/horde/horde/lib/core.php on
>>> line 50
>>> Fatal error: Class 'Horde_Registry_Application' not found in
>>> /www/horde-git/horde/horde/lib/Application.php on line 20
>> PLEASE read horde/docs/INSTALL. You need to, at a minimum, run
>> test.php.
>> michael
> First of all I thank you for your answer and all the work michael...
> Nevertheless I already had performed to install and configure
> horde-git but there was a bug that prevent customized IMP menu to
> work. This bug ticket 9368 has been resolved by you but until now I
> could not tested it cause it has been needed to install a new
> horde-git so that to have a version that matches the origin/master.
> However I installed it in the same way that before. Nevertheless I
> follow your advice and installed it again . This time when I write
> the url http://mysite-horde I get the url :
> http://mysite-horde/login.php?Horde=66a557794fec4a037cc88759bb5f255
> and the error message :
> *Fatal error*: Call to undefined method stdClass::exists() in
> */www/horde-git/horde/framework/Prefs/lib/Horde/Prefs.php* on line *300*
> *Fatal error*: Call to undefined method stdClass::isDirty() in
> */www/horde-git/horde/framework/Prefs/lib/Horde/Prefs.php* on line *371
> *An idea please... I'm stuck :-[
> Best regards
> Gerard
If I take my conf.php of a previous version which I configured for
authentication by an external ldap server I get a prompt for login and
password but I get the error :
*Catchable fatal error*: Argument 1 passed to Horde_Ldap_Filter::build()
must be an array, null given, called in
/www/horde-git/horde/framework/Ldap/lib/Horde/Ldap.php on line 862 and
defined in
*/www/horde-git/horde/framework/Ldap/lib/Horde/Ldap/Filter.php* on line
*This error has already be notified by someone via the ticket 9196
(comment 3).
This ticket seems to be in standby... I wonder like Hutter how to run
the test that has been suggested.
An idea please ?
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