[horde] Whups usage

Félix Manuel Molinuevo horde at fmsistemas.com
Wed Nov 17 19:14:13 UTC 2010

El Miércoles 17 Noviembre 2010, Jan Schneider escribió:
> Zitat von Félix Manuel Molinuevo <horde at fmsistemas.com>:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'm a long time user of Horde. Recently I installed Whups, the
> > ticket-tracking
> > system. It's almost working, even I could create a ticket. Now I'm
> > searching for some document explaining how to use it. Is there somewhere
> > some manual or something on how to use it?
> Not really, unfortunately. If you have any question, just ask here.

Thanks, Jan. It wasn't usage issues but troubles because a bug in PHP5 5.2.0. 
After upgrade PHP to 5.2.3 issue was solved.

create.php produces an empty HTML file because an error in PHP 5.2.0 (server 
is running Debian GNU/Linux Etch) in sprintf() as described here:

I installed PHP 5.2.3 from packages for Etch made by daemon's horn at 
http://hype.sourceforge.jp/ following instructions provided there.
Now create.php works as expected.

Anyway, I planned to write a little usage manual for a customer in spanish. I 
will send it to Horde's developers plus an english translation soon in the 
following weeks.

Have a nice day. Regards,


Félix Manuel Molinuevo
Correo-e: felix at fmsistemas.com
WWW: http://www.fmsistemas.com
ICQ#: 12653814 / ICQ Nickname: felix
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