[horde] Horde (git) install problem

Louis-Philippe Allard lp.allard.1 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 10 03:16:54 UTC 2011

I deleted everything, did a new git pull, reconfigured conf.php and now it
works!  I can log in Horde.  Now my new problem is that I dont have any
applications in my left pane.  I am confused as to what to configure...
 Anybody can point the proper files to me modified?

For example, going in $SERVER_IP/horde/test.php will list all OK with a few
warnings such as missing ProgreSQL, tidy, or Imagick Lib...

IMP however says :

config/conf.php: *No*
*The file ./config/conf.php appears to be missing. You must generate this
file as an administrator via Horde. See horde/docs/INSTALL.*

I could not find instructions as to how to generate this conf.php file.

I would appreciate guidance so I can try the system at some point.

Thanks to all

On Tue, Feb 8, 2011 at 9:51 PM, Louis-Philippe Allard <lp.allard.1 at gmail.com
> wrote:

> Ok just so I know, could it be a bug in the current git version of horde?
>  I really tried everything to at least pass the initial login page but no
> success.  It repeatedly says : "Login failed because your username or
> password was entered incorrectly."
> I tried deleting the conf.php file of the horde framework, update to the
> latest git release using the instructions found on the git page (basically
> git pull at the root of the git folders) but no success.
> TO login, I am trying my GMail credentials.  Username includes @gmail.com.
>  Horde 3 was working perfectly with pretty much the same setup.
> My conf.php has these options in it.  Please ask for more info of you need.
> <?php
> // $Id: 16cb98cb93bd824e8c3cb7ea03a64c3bca632948 $
> $conf['vhosts'] = false;
> $conf['debug_level'] = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE;
> $conf['max_exec_time'] = 0;
> $conf['compress_pages'] = true;
> $conf['secret_key'] = '***';
> $conf['umask'] = 077;
> $conf['testdisable'] = true;
> $conf['use_ssl'] = 2;
> $conf['server']['name'] = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
> $conf['server']['port'] = $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'];
> $conf['urls']['token_lifetime'] = 30;
> $conf['urls']['hmac_lifetime'] = 30;
> $conf['urls']['pretty'] = false;
> $conf['safe_ips'] = array();
> $conf['session']['name'] = 'Horde';
> $conf['session']['use_only_cookies'] = true;
> $conf['session']['cache_limiter'] = 'nocache';
> $conf['session']['timeout'] = 0;
> $conf['cookie']['domain'] = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
> $conf['cookie']['path'] = '/';
> $conf['sql']['persistent'] = false;
> $conf['sql']['username'] = 'horde';
> $conf['sql']['password'] = 'horde';
> $conf['sql']['socket'] = '/var/run/mysql/mysql.sock';
> $conf['sql']['protocol'] = 'unix';
> $conf['sql']['database'] = 'horde';
> $conf['sql']['charset'] = 'utf-8';
> $conf['sql']['ssl'] = false;
> $conf['sql']['splitread'] = false;
> $conf['sql']['phptype'] = 'mysql';
> $conf['ldap']['useldap'] = false;
> $conf['auth']['admins'] = array('Administrator');
> $conf['auth']['checkip'] = true;
> $conf['auth']['checkbrowser'] = true;
> $conf['auth']['alternate_login'] = false;
> $conf['auth']['redirect_on_logout'] = false;
> $conf['auth']['list_users'] = 'list';
> $conf['auth']['params']['hostspec'] = 'imap.gmail.com';
> $conf['auth']['params']['port'] = 993;
> $conf['auth']['params']['secure'] = 'ssl';
> $conf['auth']['driver'] = 'imap';
> $conf['signup']['allow'] = false;
> $conf['log']['priority'] = 'DEBUG';
> $conf['log']['ident'] = 'HORDE';
> $conf['log']['name'] = '/var/log/horde.log';
> $conf['log']['params']['append'] = true;
> $conf['log']['params']['format'] = 'default';
> $conf['log']['type'] = 'file';
> $conf['log']['enabled'] = true;
> $conf['log_accesskeys'] = false;
> $conf['prefs']['params']['driverconfig'] = 'horde';
> $conf['prefs']['driver'] = 'Sql';
> $conf['alarms']['driver'] = false;
> $conf['datatree']['driver'] = 'null';
> $conf['group']['driverconfig'] = 'horde';
> $conf['group']['driver'] = 'sql';
> $conf['group']['cache'] = false;
> $conf['perms']['driverconfig'] = 'horde';
> $conf['perms']['driver'] = 'Sql';
> $conf['share']['no_sharing'] = false;
> $conf['share']['auto_create'] = true;
> $conf['share']['world'] = true;
> $conf['share']['any_group'] = false;
> $conf['share']['hidden'] = false;
> $conf['share']['cache'] = false;
> $conf['share']['driver'] = 'sqlng';
> $conf['cache']['default_lifetime'] = 86400;
> $conf['cache']['driver'] = 'Null';
> $conf['cache']['compress'] = true;
> $conf['cache']['use_memorycache'] = '';
> $conf['cachecss'] = false;
> $conf['cachejs'] = false;
> $conf['cachethemes'] = false;
> $conf['lock']['driver'] = 'Null';
> $conf['token']['driver'] = 'Null';
> $conf['mailer']['params']['sendmail_path'] = '/usr/lib/sendmail';
> $conf['mailer']['params']['sendmail_args'] = '-oi';
> $conf['mailer']['type'] = 'sendmail';
> $conf['mailformat']['brokenrfc2231'] = false;
> $conf['vfs']['type'] = 'none';
> $conf['sessionhandler']['params']['driverconfig'] = 'horde';
> $conf['sessionhandler']['type'] = 'Sql';
> $conf['sessionhandler']['memcache'] = false;
> $conf['spell']['driver'] = '';
> $conf['gnupg']['keyserver'] = array('pgp.mit.edu');
> $conf['gnupg']['timeout'] = 10;
> $conf['image']['driver'] = false;
> $conf['exif']['driver'] = 'Bundled';
> $conf['problems']['email'] = 'webmaster at example.com';
> $conf['problems']['maildomain'] = 'example.com';
> $conf['problems']['tickets'] = false;
> $conf['problems']['attachments'] = true;
> $conf['menu']['apps'] = array();
> $conf['menu']['always'] = false;
> $conf['menu']['links']['help'] = 'all';
> $conf['menu']['links']['prefs'] = 'authenticated';
> $conf['menu']['links']['problem'] = 'all';
> $conf['menu']['links']['login'] = 'all';
> $conf['menu']['links']['logout'] = 'authenticated';
> $conf['portal']['fixed_blocks'] = array();
> $conf['accounts']['driver'] = 'null';
> $conf['user']['verify_from_addr'] = false;
> $conf['facebook']['enabled'] = false;
> $conf['twitter']['enabled'] = false;
> $conf['imsp']['enabled'] = false;
> $conf['kolab']['enabled'] = false;
> $conf['memcache']['enabled'] = false;
> $conf['activesync']['enabled'] = false;
> Hopefully this will help you to help me!
> On Sat, Feb 5, 2011 at 1:55 PM, Louis-Philippe Allard <
> lp.allard.1 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Progressing  but not quite there!...
>> Disabling the memcache functions in the conf file of horde seems to get
>> rid of this problem.  I will need to investigate this further. For now, I
>> can configure the other options in horde but either I dont understand the
>> way horde function, or there is a glitch somewhere as after I generated the
>> config file, I am presented a login window.
>> I am using external email (Gmail) as my email provider.  In the options
>> under the Authentication tab, I selected IMAP and entered the data as per
>> GMail's instructions found at
>> http://mail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=78799
>> Entering my email's credentials (like if I was logging on Gmail.com
>> directly) results in incorrect username/password error message.  I don't get
>> it.
>> Basically: when using IMAP as the auth backend, is Horde using my Gmail
>> credentials to validate my access to the system?  If so does it mean that
>> once logged in the system I will be online with Gmail?   Whats the best way
>> of using an external email service provider such as hotmail/gmail/yahoo...
>> with horde?  Only email has to be external, everything else, contacts,
>> calendar, etc to be on the local server.  Otherwise I would be using Google
>> accounts instead of horde.
>> This project has a LOT of potential and I am very curious to put it to
>> action, but the documentation needs a major overhaul.
>> Thanks!
>> On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 9:52 PM, Louis-Philippe Allard <
>> lp.allard.1 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hey Michael,  many thanks for replying!  I am sorry, I misinterpreted the
>>> "Making Development Repos Web-Accessible" section of the web page... Now I
>>> have setup everything and was configuring horde via the admin interface at
>>> first login.  At the end of the process, I clicked on the "Generate config
>>> file" (or whatever it was, something similar) and it said that I did not
>>> have permissions to write at /var/www/htdocs/horde/config/conf.php so I
>>> logged as root and changed the permissions of the whole tree to my webserver
>>> user (apache:apache) and clicked on the generate config file button once
>>> more but got this strange message about memcache:
>>> Any idea whats going on?
>>> And it goes on and on and on.......
>>> A fatal error has occurredMissing memcache object
>>>  1. Horde_Registry::appInit() /var/www/htdocs/horde-git/horde/index.php:14
>>>  2. Horde_Registry->__construct() /var/www/htdocs/horde-git/framework/Core/lib/Horde/Registry.php:231
>>>  3. Horde_Registry->_loadApplications() /var/www/htdocs/horde-git/framework/Core/lib/Horde/Registry.php:420
>>>  4. Horde_Registry->_loadCache() /var/www/htdocs/horde-git/framework/Core/lib/Horde/Registry.php:521
>>>  5. Horde_Injector->getInstance() /var/www/htdocs/horde-git/framework/Core/lib/Horde/Registry.php:1595
>>>  6. Horde_Injector->createInstance() /var/www/htdocs/horde-git/framework/Injector/lib/Horde/Injector.php:248
>>>  7. Horde_Injector_Binder_Factory->create() /var/www/htdocs/horde-git/framework/Injector/lib/Horde/Injector.php:213
>>>  8. Horde_Core_Factory_Cache->create() /var/www/htdocs/horde-git/framework/Injector/lib/Horde/Injector/Binder/Factory.php:111
>>>  9. Horde_Core_Factory_Cache->_getStorage() /var/www/htdocs/horde-git/framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/Factory/Cache.php:63
>>> 10. Horde_Cache_Storage_Memcache->__construct() /var/www/htdocs/horde-git/framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/Factory/Cache.php:93
>>> DetailsThe full error message is logged in Horde's log file, and is
>>> shown below only to administrators. Non-administrative users will not see
>>> error details.
>>> InvalidArgumentException Object
>>> (
>>>     [message:protected] => Missing memcache object
>>>     [string:private] =>
>>>     [code:protected] => 0
>>>     [file:protected] => /var/www/htdocs/horde-git/framework/Cache/lib/Horde/Cache/Storage/Memcache.php
>>>     [line:protected] => 49
>>>     [trace:private] => Array
>>>         (
>>>             [0] => Array
>>>                 (
>>>                     [file] => /var/www/htdocs/horde-git/framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/Factory/Cache.php
>>>                     [line] => 93
>>>                     [function] => __construct
>>>                     [class] => Horde_Cache_Storage_Memcache
>>>                     [type] => ->
>>>                     [args] => Array
>>>                         (
>>>                             [0] => Array
>>>                                 (
>>>                                     [enabled] =>
>>>                                     [lifetime] => 86400
>>>                                     [compress] => 1
>>>                                     [logger] => Horde_Core_Log_Logger Object
>>>                                         (
>>>                                             [_levels:private] => Array
>>>                                                 (
>>>                                                     [0] => EMERG
>>>                                                     [1] => ALERT
>>>                                                     [2] => CRIT
>>>                                                     [3] => ERR
>>>                                                     [4] => WARN
>>>                                                     [5] => NOTICE
>>>                                                     [6] => INFO
>>>                                                     [7] => DEBUG
>>>                                                 )
>>>                                             [_handlers:private] => Array
>>>                                                 (
>>>                                                     [0] => Horde_Log_Handler_Syslog Object
>>> On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 8:43 PM, Michael M Slusarz <slusarz at horde.org>wrote:
>>>> Quoting Louis-Philippe Allard <lp.allard.1 at gmail.com>:
>>>>  I was using horde 3.3.11 but had a problem with IMP 4.3.9 that came
>>>>> with
>>>>> it.  Using the IMP mailing list I was suggested to upgrade to IMP 5
>>>>> that is
>>>>> curently packaged with the next release of Horde (V4).  I initially
>>>>> posted
>>>>> in the IMP mailinglist but I recognize that the current problem I have
>>>>> belongs to the general horde mailinglist.
>>>>> Basically, I downloaded Horde 4 with the new IMP 5 using the command
>>>>> git clone --depth 1 git://github.com/horde/horde
>>>>> and got the whole tree.  I moved the existing horde installation out of
>>>>> my
>>>>> server's path and copied the horde-git tree to the path.  When I go to
>>>>> http://$SERVER_IP/horde/horde/
>>>>> test.php
>>>>> I get a red message error saying:
>>>>> Could not find Horde's framework libraries in the following path(s):
>>>>> /var/www/htdocs/horde/horde/lib:.:/usr/lib/php. Please read
>>>>> horde/docs/INSTALL for information on how to install these
>>>>> libraries.What
>>>>> did i do wrong?  I followed the steps in horde/docs/INSTALL but cant
>>>>> figure
>>>>> why it is not working...
>>>> http://horde.org/source/git.php
>>>> Particularly, the entire section on "Making Development Repos
>>>> Web-Accessible".
>>>> michael
>>>> --
>>>> ___________________________________
>>>> Michael Slusarz [slusarz at horde.org]
>>>> --
>>>> Horde mailing list
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