[horde] Horde 4.0-ALPHA1 sidebar update URL

Hiromi Kimura hiromi at tac.tsukuba.ac.jp
Thu Mar 10 08:30:14 UTC 2011

I installed horde-alpha to /usr/local/www/horde4 and URL is /horde4.
But sidebar update (ajax?) URL always point /horde.
Should I use the URL /horde not /horde4 ?

Here is the apache log;

[10/Mar/2011:17:16:53 +0900] "POST  
/horde4/services/ajax.php/horde/sidebarUpdate HTTP/1.1" 200 1788  
"https://xx.xx/horde4/services/portal/" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U;  
Windows NT 5.1; ja; rv:"
[Thu Mar 10 17:16:53 2011] [error] [client x.x.x.x] client denied by  
server configuration: /usr/local/www/horde, referer:  

Hiromi KIMURA http://www.tac.tsukuba.ac.jp/~hiromi/
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