[horde] Horde4 configuration

Michael Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Wed Mar 16 16:16:20 UTC 2011

Quoting Michael Gröne <michael.groene at zew.uni-hannover.de>:

> Am Mi 16 Mär 2011 16:45:44 CET schrieb Michael Gröne  
> <michael.groene at zew.uni-hannover.de>:
>> Am Di 15 Mär 2011 11:56:16 CET schrieb Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:
>>> Zitat von Michael Gröne <michael.groene at zew.uni-hannover.de>:
>>>> In the error-logs (horde, php) is nothing registered.
>>>> Any idea, what went wrong?
>>> There MUST be something in the logs. Either that or your PHP  
>>> configuration regarding logging is broken.
>> Yeah, you were right, I found the line, causing the error, but it  
>> was suppressed by the @-sign:
>> echo '<input type="hidden" name="_formvars" value="' .  
>> @htmlspecialchars(serialize($vars), ENT_QUOTES,  
>> $GLOBALS['registry']->getCharset()) . '" />';
>> (it is line 216 in Horde/Form/Renderer.php)
>> I turned off to display error-messages, so I got the following  
>> error registered in phps' logs:
>> PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined method  
>> Horde_Registry::getCharset() in  
>> /usr/share/php/Horde/Form/Renderer.php on line 217
>> How may I fix this?
> Ahh, it seemed that we hat an older version of Horde_Form installed.
> I already tried out Horde4 last year - are there additional  
> commands, I have to execute, in order to update everything? In  
> genereal I followed the usual instructions to install horde4.

Well, last year the only "usual" instructions would have been to run a  
git checkout. If you are still using this checkout, just pull from git  
and run any migrations etc.. If you are trying to install via the new  
PEAR installation, just forget about the git checkout and start from  
scratch, following the instructions in the INSTALL file. You probably  
want to install into a dedicated PEAR repository instead of the system  
wide one, follow the appropriate directions for this in the INSTALL  
file and be sure to update your include_path to point to the location  
of the pear directory you are using for the install (either via  
php.ini, .htaccess, lighttpd.conf etc...)


The Horde Project (www.horde.org)
mrubinsk at horde.org

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