[horde] Horde4 configuration

Michael Gröne michael.groene at zew.uni-hannover.de
Wed Mar 16 16:31:30 UTC 2011

Am Mi 16 Mär 2011 17:16:20 CET schrieb Michael Rubinsky <mrubinsk at horde.org>:
>> Ahh, it seemed that we hat an older version of Horde_Form installed.
>> I already tried out Horde4 last year - are there additional  
>> commands, I have to execute, in order to update everything? In  
>> genereal I followed the usual instructions to install horde4.
> Well, last year the only "usual" instructions would have been to run  
> a git checkout. If you are still using this checkout, just pull from  
> git and run any migrations etc.. If you are trying to install via  
> the new PEAR installation, just forget about the git checkout and  
> start from scratch, following the instructions in the INSTALL file.  
> You probably want to install into a dedicated PEAR repository  
> instead of the system wide one, follow the appropriate directions  
> for this in the INSTALL file and be sure to update your include_path  
> to point to the location of the pear directory you are using for the  
> install (either via php.ini, .htaccess, lighttpd.conf etc...)

Yes, last year I pulled the files via git. Now I used the pear  
installer as described in the new INSTALL-file. I thought, that would  
upgrade every needed file, but somehow it did not.
After I executed "pear install horde/Horde_Form-alpha" everything  
works fine for me.

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