[horde] Horde 4.0: Content_Tagger class could not be found

Jonah Dekeyzer jonah at menzz.be
Fri Mar 18 23:15:48 UTC 2011

After installing and configuring Kronolith, I can not update the 
database shema, nor can I go to kronolith:

"The Content_Tagger class could not be found. Make sure the Content 
application is installed."

horde/content-beta is installed

I found a mail in the archive from dev that refers to the registry (mail 
11 december 2009 from Ronan Salmon).

content is mentioned in registry.php with 'status' => 'hidden'.

Should the registry contain more info for content?

The apache log does not give an error.

Jonah Dekeyzer

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