[horde] Horde 4.0 error: hordetree.js not found

Andreas Müller andy at andreasmueller.net
Sat Mar 19 12:07:06 UTC 2011

Hello list,

now I did uninstall and reinstall the pear package (via apt). I removed 
all pear modules by uninstalling them with pear uninstall >packetname<.

Then (or before?) I uninstalled Horde-Beta via pear uninstall 
horde/horde-beta and pear uninstall horde/horde_role-beta with 
"uninstall ok" as result.

I deleted the horde4_beta Directory in my webdirectory.

pear config-show has no more horde_dir. So far so good?

After that I did the usual procedure:

#pear install horde/horde_role-beta
downloading Horde_Role-1.0.0beta1.tgz ...
Starting to download Horde_Role-1.0.0beta1.tgz (2,209 bytes)
....done: 2,209 bytes
install ok: channel://pear.horde.org/Horde_Role-1.0.0beta1
horde/Horde_Role has post-install scripts:
Horde_Role: Use "pear run-scripts horde/Horde_Role" to finish setup.

#pear run-scripts horde/Horde_Role
Including external post-installation script 
"/usr/share/php/PEAR/Installer/Role/Horde/Role.php" - any errors are in 
this script
Inclusion succeeded
running post-install script "Horde_Role_postinstall->init()"
init succeeded
Filesystem location for the base Horde application : 
Configuration successfully saved to PEAR config.
Install scripts complete

#pear install horde/horde-beta
Did not download optional dependencies: horde/Horde_Feed, 
horde/Horde_Service_Facebook, horde/Horde_Service_Twitter, use --alldeps 
to download automatically
horde/horde can optionally use package "horde/Horde_Feed" (version >= 
1.0.0alpha1, version <= 2.0.0, excluded versions: 2.0.0)
horde/horde can optionally use package "horde/Horde_Service_Facebook" 
(version >= 1.0.0alpha1, version <= 2.0.0, excluded versions: 2.0.0)
horde/horde can optionally use package "horde/Horde_Service_Twitter" 
(version >= 1.0.0alpha1, version <= 2.0.0, excluded versions: 2.0.0)
downloading horde-4.0.0beta1.tgz ...
Starting to download horde-4.0.0beta1.tgz (3,447,091 bytes)
.....done: 3,447,091 bytes
install ok: channel://pear.horde.org/horde-4.0.0beta1

pear config-show is:
Base Horde directory           horde_dir        /var/www/web/horde4_beta

So I change to /var/www/web/horde4_beta/config and do this to enable 
apache to write:

cp conf.php.dist conf.php
chown www:data conf.php
chown -R www-data /var/www/web/horde4_beta/lib/../static

Then I went to my webdirectory/horde4_beta. And still I get only the 
Horde-icon in left upper corner, I see that I am logged in as 
"Administrator" and I have the link to edit blocks on the portal site.

No menu at left side, nothing to do. Strange.

Apache error.log shows still:

File does not exist: /var/www/web/horde4_beta, referer: 

I have no clue where this comes from and what to do.



Am 17.03.2011 22:46, schrieb Andreas Müller:
> Am 17.03.2011 20:36, schrieb Gunnar Wrobel:
>> Zitat von Andreas Müller <andy at andreasmueller.net>:
>>> Am 17.03.2011 17:38, schrieb Jan Schneider:
>>>> Zitat von Andreas Müller <andy at andreasmueller.net>:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> just tried several times to install Horde 4.0-beta according these 
>>>>> instructions:
>>>>> pear channel-discover pear.horde.org
>>>>> pear install horde/horde_role-beta
>>>>> pear run-scripts horde/horde_role
>>>>> pear install horde/horde-beta
>>>>> cd /var/www/horde/config/
>>>>>  cp conf.php.dist conf.php
>>>>> Went okay so far. But now when I go to my URL, there is no sidebar 
>>>>> at left, so I can't configure anything.
>>>>> Apache error-log throws this:
>>>>> [Thu Mar 17 15:45:50 2011] [error] [client] File does 
>>>>> not exist: /var/www/web/horde4-beta/js/hordetree.js, referer: 
>>>>> http://mydomain.tld/horde4-beta/services/portal/
>>>>> Indeed, there is no hordetree.js anywhere. Someone could give me a 
>>>>> hint, please?
>>>> /var/www/horde or /var/www/web/horde4-beta? Only one is correct. 
>>>> And did you set the correct one running post-install scripts for 
>>>> horde_role?
>>>> Check horde_dir in "pear config-show".
>>>> Jan.
>>> The real path to my installation is /var/www/web/horde4-beta, the 
>>> above one is simply copied from instructions.
>>> When checking horde_dir in "pear config-show" it gives me this 
>>> strange path (that never existed):
>>> Base Horde directory           horde_dir        
>>> /usr/share/php/www/horde
>>> I guess this were the path to standard horde packet installation 
>>> (this is Debian Squeeze).  I now changed the horde_path to the real 
>>> path /var/www/web/horde4_beta, reinstalled this way:
>>> pear channel-discover pear.horde.org
>>> pear install horde/horde_role-beta
>>> pear run-scripts horde/horde_role
>> Maybe I just misunderstand your description but it sounds a bit as if 
>> you are not entering the "/var/www/web/horde4_beta" path into the 
>> dialog you should see when running "pear run-scripts 
>> horde/horde_role". Is that the case?
>> Cheers,
>> Gunnar
> No, that's not the case, I entered it in the dialog. I just didn't 
> mention it above.
> Maybe there are other relevant things to know:
> - I installed all requirements per apt or pear(-cli) with 
> default_channel pear.php.net before installing Horde-Beta. Could it be 
> that therefore I installed some "wrong" packets? Test.php looks fine.
> - I now changed horde_dir to "var/www/web/horde4_beta" and entered it 
> in an new installation where being asked for the path. Something else 
> to look for?
> This machine is brandnew without having had anything Horde-related 
> before. Are there other things do do except to follow installation 
> rules (which are really simple)?
> Thank you
> Andreas

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