[horde] upgrade H4 pear from H3 tarballs : conf.php

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Tue Apr 26 10:22:59 UTC 2011

Zitat von Bruno Costacurta <techie at costacurta.org>:

>>> Good to notice that handmade work has to be done on conf.php file
>>> when upgrading from H3 to H4.
>> Sorry?
>> Jan.
> The H4 conf.php has to be re-create completely from H4 conf.php.dist ?
> Or going to Administration -> Configuration -> Horde is enough to  
> automatically convert H3 conf.php (copied from previous H3) to H4 ?

Theoretically both should work, but re-creating from conf.php.dist is safer.

> If need to start from H4 conf.php.dist where is the migration path H3 to H4 ?

You don't migrate configuration. You migrate data.


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