[horde] Conflicting versions of horde-db-migrate in Horde_Db and horde4

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Tue Apr 26 10:26:41 UTC 2011

Zitat von Ralf Lang <lang at b1-systems.de>:

> Both horde4 4.0.1 and Horde_Db 1.0.1 sport a file horde-db-migrate which (on
> first look) seem to be different versions of the same tool. Both want to be
> installed into the same part of the "script" role.
> On my system, this results in a conflict.
> Which of these should be used?
> I tend to use the horde4 version because it's bigger, it's installed later
> (overwrites the Horde_Db version) and seems to do the job.
> Is the script in horde_db rolled out on purpose?

Yes, the script from Horde_Db is a general purpose script to run any  
DB migrations from any framework package without requiring a full  
Horde installation. This is necessary because we don't provide SQL  
scripts for framework packages, but still want developers to use our  
packages even if they don't need a complete Horde.

The script from horde is integrated within an existing horde  
installation and can be run without any database configuration  
requirements on the command line.

So they are not different versions of the same script, but really  
scripts with different purposes. We should pick different names for  


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