[horde] left side configuration menu missing

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Wed May 4 16:47:42 UTC 2011

Zitat von Simon Brereton <simon.brereton at dada.net>:

>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: horde-bounces at lists.horde.org [mailto:horde-
>> bounces at lists.horde.org] On Behalf Of Jan Schneider
>> Zitat von Michael Rubinsky <mrubinsk at horde.org>:
>> > Quoting John Deragon <jderagon at gilt.com>:
>> >
>> >> Hello,
>> >>
>> >> I am attempting to install Horde 4.02 on a Amazon EC2 instance
>> >> (Amazon Linux AMI release 2011.02.1.1).
>> >>
>> >> I have gone through the prerequisites, and have satifised all the
>> >> requirements listed in the horde/test.php script.
>> >>
>> >> When I attempt to go to http://.xxxxx/horde it redirects me to
>> >> http://..../horde/services/portal, but the screen and left hand
>> menu
>> >> is all messed up and it does not give me any links to configure
>> the
>> >> rest of the settings.
>> >>
>> >> I only have links for Home, Horde, Log out and then on a new line
>> >>
>> >> Administrator | Add Content.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> I have checked my php error log and turned debugging on the max
>> and
>> >> do not see any errors either in the php logs or in the apache
>> logs.
>> >>
>> >> This is running php version PHP 5.3.6  and httpd.i686
>> >>               2.2.16-1.11.amzn1
>> >>
>> >> Has anyone seen this issue of the configuration page being broken?
>> >>
>> >> Here is an image of what I am seeing:
>> >>
>> >> http://imgur.com/TQXaY
>> >
>> > Looks like there is either a JS error, or the JS files are not
>> being
>> > served properly. Try investigating this with firebug.
>> Since the CSS doesn't work either, it's possible that you enabled JS
>> and CSS caching, but the cache directory /horde/static isn't writable
>> by the web server.
> I had a lot of problem to set this up.  Taking note of the warning  
> on the configuration tab to make 'static' writeable by the webserver  
> process owner, I chowned the directory with root:www-data.  Without  
> success.  I only just noticed that the permissions are 755 though.   
> It seems to me that 774 (or even 760 or 770) would be better, so  
> that enabling caching doesn't involve messing around with directory  
> permissions which either a newbie could get wrong or even an  
> experienced admin could make a typo.  Wouldn't it be better to  
> install the directory with the best of 774, 770 or 760?

No. If you don't know the difference between changing the owner and  
changing the group, you should keep your fingers off any advanced  
configuration settings.


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