[horde] Upgrade to Horde4, or stay with 3?

Reindl Harald h.reindl at thelounge.net
Wed May 11 18:02:27 UTC 2011

Am 11.05.2011 19:31, schrieb Eric Jon Rostetter:

> Yes.  There is a policy as the this on the web site.  Always has been.
> Read it.  Understand it

where is it? nobody can read the whole homepage and there is no orientation
where will be the downloads?

where are really careful written migration-docs for users with setups
maintained since 2006? some magic auto-migartion of something while
a user is logging in does not fit for admins which will not take
the road to hell!

this new website is an epic-fail for users which are working in a professional IT
where nobody uses "pear update" if he is not crazy

>> seeing that there no longer tarballs, the PEAR splitted in thousands of
> PEAR packages are tarballs...  

PEAR is a bad joke because you have no control with "pear upgrade"
what version will be fetched if you have more than one machine

so it can be that on your test-machine all is sane and the
next day you get a newer package on production-system which
is broken

> If you need tarballs, you can download the PEAR tarballs. If you need
> consolidated tarballs, you can manually combine the PEAR tarballs into
> larger consolidated tarballs.  Fairly trivial really.

"you can, you can..."

the developers can generate this packages in the normal process
without any manually step if they only want

>> packages without thinking one second what this means for rpm-driven systems
>> and apckage-builders feels like nobody cares about users as also in
>> bugreports like http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/9670
> They _DID_ think about this, and discussed it.  

even more worse seeing what happended finally

THEY DID NOT THINK or how will you explain that for weeks the main-menu was named
"download" after this useless relaunch missing the old sidebar with latest versions
and direct download?

> And they do care about users.  

not really, evry bugreport is WONTFIX/NOTABUG even for
broken relative includes i fixed over months with every
update until i get a sed-commnand in SPEC-File to fix
them while rpmbuild is running

> But you can't please everyone, so you try to please as many as
> you can even if that ticks off a few others.

sure you CAN
nobody on linux-system needs PEAR as primary source and nobody
who is not total crazy is installing php/horde on windows

> Would you rather they delayed the release another year just so they
> could provide you with a consolidated tarball?  

YES - i like production ready versions instead "good enough for us now"

> Or they get it out now

not in this state and not with the migration-troubles reading the
whole time here

> and either let you build your own tarballs or wait until someone gets the
> time to do it later?  Which is really the better option?  

not breaking all packagers out there which rebuild new horde-versions
with imp, kronolith and many other additional packages since years
by download tarball, raise build-number in SPEC-File and type
"rpmbuild horde.spec"

> I think if they waited too long for the release, we would have lost more users 
> due to not having a current, modern release than we will lose by releasing it
> without consolidated tarballs.

the same KDE-Developers thought while realse 4.0 and the opposite happened....

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