[horde] Cyrus IMAP ACL folders

Simon Wilson simon at simonandkate.net
Wed May 18 12:42:32 UTC 2011

On my old H3 / Imp 4.3.6 system, I can "see" my kids' email folders.  
In Cyrus they are set with me having an ACL to read them, and the kids  
know I can... :)

In Imp I see these under a "user" folder at the same level as my  
Inbox, Deleted Items, etc. So I see user.Benjamin, etc, with their  
folder structure underneath. In the Imp 4 config file I have this:

    'admin' => array(
         'params' => array(
             'login' => 'admin_user',
             'password' => 'xxxxxxxx',
             'userhierarchy' => 'user.',
             'protocol' => 'imap/ssl/novalidate-cert',
             'hostspec' => 'localhost',
             'port' => 993

Which I believe is what gives me that capability?

In Imp 5, I have tried this:

     'admin' => array(
         'params' => array(
             'admin_user' => 'administrator',
             'admin_password' => 'xxxxxxxx',
             'userhierarchy' => 'user.'

which is all it now appears to take from the notes in backend.php, but  
I don't see the folders.

'hordeauth' => true, in both setups.

How do I get this functionaility back? What am I missing?
Simon Wilson

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