[horde] another try | imp menu.php

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Wed Jun 1 18:15:04 UTC 2011

Zitat von Martin Hochreiter <linuxbox at wavenet.at>:

> Am 01.06.2011 19:40 schrieb Jan Schneider:
>> Zitat von Martin Hochreiter <linuxbox at wavenet.at>:
>>> Hi!
>>> I added a link to the imp menu and want the link (at least) to
>>> be opened in a new window .. but neither javascript or target - blank
>>> is working:
>>> $_menu['passwort'] = array(
>>>       'url' =>        'https://www.domain.tld/dienstplan/chpwd.php',
>>>       'text' =>       'Passwort',
>>>       'icon' =>  'passwd.png',
>>>       'target' =>     '_blank',
>>>   );
>>> Can somebody give me a hint please?
>>> (Horde & imp in the latest version)
>> In which IMP interface? What exactly do you mean with "is not working"?
>> Jan.
> I added this to the menu.php in the imp/config/ folder to get a new
> menu entry that opens a site i need in a new blank window - or a open it by
> javascript with the alternative javascript code (like in the example  
> in menu.php).
> It is not working because the window always opens in the same window  
> as the whole
> horde-imp and if you read the source code, there is no  
> target="_blank" as I would expect
> from my configuration in  menu.php

You still didn't say in which interface.


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