[horde] Upgrading from Groupware Webmail Edition 1.2.x to the new 4.0

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Mon Jun 20 08:45:44 UTC 2011

Zitat von Gordon Dickens <gordon at dickens.com>:

> On 06/16/2011 06:11 AM, D G Teed wrote:     > On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at
> 12:26 AM, Gordon Dickens <gordon at dickens.com>[1] wrote:> I would like to
> upgrade one of my servers from Groupware Webmail Edition 1.2.x to the new
> 4.0 version and I have a few questions.  First, according to the UPGRADE
> file I should follow the instructions in the INSTALL file to install the
> most recent Horde Groupware Webmail Edition version using the PEAR
> installer.  I have successfully installed the software on my server using
> the PEAR installer and I then ran "webmail-install".  My questions are as
> follows:  1) How do I preserve the settings contained in the various
> config/conf.php files for all of the existing 1.2.x applications?  That
> is, should I copy my old conf.php files over to the target installation
> directory prior to or after doing the PEAR installation or what?  2) The
> "webmail-install" script sets up parameters that were already specified in
> the existing 1.2.x installation and it also tries to build a new database,
> however, since I am upgrading from 1.2.x, the database already exists from
> the current installation.  Is there a "webmail-upgrade" script or some
> other way to upgrade that uses the existing paramaters specified in
> "webmail-install" and does not try to build a new database?  3) How do I
> specify the administrator user names prior to first time execution?  Many
> thanks in advance!  Gordon Dickens
>> I asked about the upgrade support in the upcoming webmail edition 2.0 a
>> few days ago.  Jan said it would be coming out this summer with the
>> upgrade support. For now it would only be useful for new installs.
>> --Donald
> Hi Donald and Jan,
>         Thanks for your prompt reply and I will wait for the upgrade
> scripts before I proceed any further.  I must comment, however,       that
> the current release instructions are somewhat confusing since       they
> really don't perform the necessary tasks. I recommend that       the
> current upgrade documentation be amended to say just that and       to
> wait for an upcoming release that will include more       comprehensive
> upgrade support.

Horde Groupware *has* upgrade support. There isn't anything you should  
be waiting for.

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