[horde] Upgrading to 4 from Groupware 1.2.9

Simon Brereton simon.brereton at buongiorno.com
Fri Oct 7 17:02:28 UTC 2011

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brian Spraker [mailto:spraker at yahoo.com]
> Cleared the cache and updated the horde channel as requested.  Re-
> installed the horde/horde_role and ran it - but still gives me the
> same errors.
> I'm afraid that if I uninstall pear that it may have an impact on
> other applications - what are your thoughts on this?

Well, hopefully you'll be reinstalling it PDQ, so it shouldn't be an issue.

What is now the output of
	pear list-files horde/horde

And what is the output of
	pear install horde/horde_role
	pear run-scripts horde/horde_role


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