[horde] demo.horde.org got updated

Ronan SALMON rsalmon at mbpgroup.com
Tue Oct 18 08:02:56 UTC 2011

p at rdus.de a écrit :
> <p>
>   You might have noticed that <a href="http://www.horde.org">the Horde
>   homepage</a> received a new <b>Demo</b> button within the main
>   navigation recently. We did indeed manage to get a demo machine up and
>   running at <a href="http://demo.horde.org">demo.horde.org</a>. The
>   installation got updated to the latest releases just yesterday
>   and <a href="http://www.horde.org/apps/ansel">Ansel</a> - the Horde
>   photo management application - got added into the mix. Feel free to
>   test drive this new application as well as the other components
>   on <a href="http://demo.horde.org">demo.horde.org</a>.
>   </p>
>   <p>
>   If you experience any problems please let us know.
I was not able to login using demo/demo or guest/guest (mode: automatic).
I didn't get any error.

If I try to login using a wrong password like demo/qwerty, I get "Login
failed because your username or password was entered incorrectly." which
is expected.


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