[horde] Weather Block and the Weather Channel

Simon Brereton simon.brereton at buongiorno.com
Tue Oct 25 15:35:55 UTC 2011

On 25 October 2011 10:40, Alexander M. Wirtz <lists at zyanka.li> wrote:
> On 25.10.2011 16:35, Simon Brereton wrote:
>> On 25 October 2011 09:41, Alexander M. Wirtz<lists at zyanka.li>  wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> as Horde is creating one of the largest communities using the
>>> Services_Weather module, I just wanted to add my comment here.
>>> I'm quite disappointed by this move by The Weather Channel, as it means I
>>> cannot develop this interface anymore and it becomes useless for most of
>>> the
>>> users.
>>> Only a small portion of Services_Weather users will purchase a license
>>> for
>>> this, if at all.
>>> The only thing I can promise is that I will create an interface to some
>>> other provider e.g. Weather Underground, to offer an easy accessible
>>> solution for Horde. Unfortunately also all the others like Ejse and
>>> Globalweather have stopped offering their services.
>>> At the meantime I'd like to ask you to follow Mike's suggestion and use
>>> the
>>> METAR interface.
>> I did this when I asked Mike about it a week ago.  But my Metar block
>> remains empty for all users.
>> How do I debug this?
> Have you tried to follow the steps as described in
> http://wiki.horde.org/MetarWeather ?

Now, why would I do that? :)

Attempting to follow the wiki..

mail:/usr/share/php# php buildMetarDB.php -a -u horde -p password -d horde
Could not open input file: buildMetarDB.php

mail:/usr/share/php# php
/usr/share/php/data/Services_Weather/buildMetarDB.php -a -u horde -p
password -d horde works though..  (or at least doesn't return

However, now when I log into Horde, and try to edit the Current
Weather block I at least have some options (refresh rate, units, etc.
However even after removing and re-adding the block, the location
dropdowns remains steadfastly empty.  Meaning the block is also empty.
 Is this a path issue?  A permissions issue?

The Horde log has these errors..

2011-10-25T11:16:10-04:00 NOTICE: HORDE4 [horde] PHP ERROR: Undefined
offset: 0 [pid 21250 on line 339 of
2011-10-25T11:16:10-04:00 WARN: HORDE4 [horde] PHP ERROR: asort()
expects parameter 1 to be array, null given [pid 21250 on line 340 of
2011-10-25T11:16:10-04:00 WARN: HORDE4 [horde] PHP ERROR: Invalid
argument supplied for foreach() [pid 21250 on line 353 of
2011-10-25T11:16:41-04:00 NOTICE: HORDE4 [horde] PHP ERROR: Undefined
offset: 0 [pid 5258 on line 339 of
2011-10-25T11:16:41-04:00 WARN: HORDE4 [horde] PHP ERROR: asort()
expects parameter 1 to be array, null given [pid 5258 on line 340 of
2011-10-25T11:16:41-04:00 WARN: HORDE4 [horde] PHP ERROR: Invalid
argument supplied for foreach() [pid 5258 on line 353 of
2011-10-25T11:18:49-04:00 NOTICE: HORDE4 [horde] PHP ERROR: Undefined
offset: 0 [pid 21267 on line 339 of
2011-10-25T11:18:49-04:00 WARN: HORDE4 [horde] PHP ERROR: asort()
expects parameter 1 to be array, null given [pid 21267 on line 340 of
2011-10-25T11:18:49-04:00 WARN: HORDE4 [horde] PHP ERROR: Invalid
argument supplied for foreach() [pid 21267 on line 353 of
2011-10-25T11:21:17-04:00 NOTICE: HORDE4 [horde] User
simon at example.net [] logged out of Horde [pid 14561 on
line 115 of "/usr/share/horde4/login.php"]
2011-10-25T15:22:59+00:00 NOTICE: HORDE4 [horde] Login success for
simon at example.net [] to horde. [pid 5258 on line 153 of
2011-10-25T15:22:59+00:00 NOTICE: HORDE4 [imp] Login success for
simon at example.net (Horde user simon at example.net) [] to
{localhost:143 [imap]} [pid 5258 on line 176 of
2011-10-25T11:23:25-04:00 NOTICE: HORDE4 [horde] PHP ERROR: Undefined
offset: 0 [pid 5258 on line 339 of
2011-10-25T11:23:25-04:00 WARN: HORDE4 [horde] PHP ERROR: asort()
expects parameter 1 to be array, null given [pid 5258 on line 340 of
2011-10-25T11:23:25-04:00 WARN: HORDE4 [horde] PHP ERROR: Invalid
argument supplied for foreach() [pid 5258 on line 353 of
2011-10-25T11:23:48-04:00 NOTICE: HORDE4 [horde] PHP ERROR: Undefined
offset: 0 [pid 5258 on line 339 of
2011-10-25T11:23:48-04:00 WARN: HORDE4 [horde] PHP ERROR: asort()
expects parameter 1 to be array, null given [pid 5258 on line 340 of
2011-10-25T11:23:48-04:00 WARN: HORDE4 [horde] PHP ERROR: Invalid
argument supplied for foreach() [pid 5258 on line 353 of
2011-10-25T11:24:14-04:00 NOTICE: HORDE4 [horde] PHP ERROR: Undefined
offset: 0 [pid 5258 on line 339 of
2011-10-25T11:24:14-04:00 WARN: HORDE4 [horde] PHP ERROR: asort()
expects parameter 1 to be array, null given [pid 5258 on line 340 of
2011-10-25T11:24:14-04:00 WARN: HORDE4 [horde] PHP ERROR: Invalid
argument supplied for foreach() [pid 5258 on line 353 of
2011-10-25T11:31:52-04:00 NOTICE: HORDE4 [horde] PHP ERROR: Undefined
offset: 0 [pid 21248 on line 339 of
2011-10-25T11:31:52-04:00 WARN: HORDE4 [horde] PHP ERROR: asort()
expects parameter 1 to be array, null given [pid 21248 on line 340 of
2011-10-25T11:31:52-04:00 WARN: HORDE4 [horde] PHP ERROR: Invalid
argument supplied for foreach() [pid 21248 on line 353 of
2011-10-25T11:31:57-04:00 NOTICE: HORDE4 [horde] User
simon at example.net [] logged out of Horde [pid 21248 on
line 115 of "/usr/share/horde4/login.php"]
2011-10-25T15:31:59+00:00 NOTICE: HORDE4 [horde] Login success for
simon at example.net [] to horde. [pid 21248 on line 153 of
2011-10-25T15:31:59+00:00 NOTICE: HORDE4 [imp] Login success for
simon at example.net (Horde user simon at example.net) [] to
{localhost:143 [imap]} [pid 21248 on line 176 of
2011-10-25T11:32:03-04:00 NOTICE: HORDE4 [horde] PHP ERROR: Undefined
offset: 0 [pid 21248 on line 339 of
2011-10-25T11:32:03-04:00 WARN: HORDE4 [horde] PHP ERROR: asort()
expects parameter 1 to be array, null given [pid 21248 on line 340 of
2011-10-25T11:32:03-04:00 WARN: HORDE4 [horde] PHP ERROR: Invalid
argument supplied for foreach() [pid 21248 on line 353 of


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