[horde] New Webmail installation / migration / different servers for db, mail, horde

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Thu Oct 27 09:28:05 UTC 2011

Zitat von Götz Reinicke <goetz.reinicke at filmakademie.de>:

> Hi,
> currently I do run horde webmail groupware 1.2.9 on our main mail server
> (smtp & imap). (with db- and webserver installed)
> Now planing the upgrade to the most recent horde 4.x I was thinking
> again about putting the db on a newer db-server and horde on a newer
> webserver so I have three servers for the seperate services.
> Beeing faced in my test setup (everything on the main mailserver) with
> an 'HORDE4 [imp] Server does not support TLS connections [1]' problem I
> was first thinking of disabling the tls imap config. But now, thinking
> of putting everything on seperate servers I'm not sure, if that is an
> good idea. (the servers are all in the same dmz)
> Anyway, dose anyone has suggestions or in which way whould my
> setup/configuration steps be different from the 'normal one box' setup?
> Thats what I know so far:
> - install horde on the new webserver. (old php 5.2.x new php 5.3.x)
> - database connection is configured at installation time of horde or
> admin->setup->database
> - smtp is configured at admin->setup->mailer
> Is imap configured in imp/config/servers.php ? or somewhere else?

For IMP in imp/config/backends(.local).php, if you use for  
authentication (which doesn't makes sense in your setup), in horde's  

Also check if you need to update application configurations that don't  
use the global database configuration from Horde.


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