[horde] Horde and multiple IMAP servers!

Christopher Neuhaus cne at ruhrverband.de
Mon Nov 7 10:57:46 UTC 2011


I have the same problem.
See f.e. my mail from 27.10. and 02.11.2011 "Horde4/BCBreaking" ff.
$credentials['server'] seems to be the key. But I also get stuck.
Perhaps the thread can push you a little bit forward.

> Hello,
> I am working with a lot of imap mail servers and i am looking for a way to
> let imp select a specific mail servers to which the user will connect to.
> >From what i understand i need to write a preauthentificate hook!
> I already wrote the code to grab the server to which i am going to connect
> from a ldap backend, but i have no idea what i need to do with that address!
> I am running the latest versions of horde.
> Thanks!

Best Regards



Dipl.-Ing. Christopher Neuhaus

Abteilung Datenverarbeitung
Kronprinzenstr. 37
45128 Essen

Telefon: 0201/178-1531
Telefax: 0201/178-1545
E-Mail: cne at ruhrverband.de
Internet: www.ruhrverband.de

Verbandsrat: Dr. Bernhard Görgens, Vorsitzender
Vorstand: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Harro Bode, Vorsitzender, Norbert Frece

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