[horde] Sync issues.

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Mon Nov 28 02:25:43 UTC 2011

Quoting Simon Brereton <simon.brereton at buongiorno.com>:

> On 26 November 2011 12:58, Simon Brereton  
> <simon.brereton at buongiorno.com> wrote:
>> Hi
>> I have a device for a coworker that wasn't syncing.  It did initially
>> with the addressbook (server to phone) and then not again (in either
>> direction) and it synced the first test appointment from the phone to
>> the server but nothing from the server to the phone.  In an effort to
>> debug this, I did the following:
>> Put the device in airplane mode
>> Reset the device from the horde interface
>> removed the sync.log (which was getting a constant stream of stuff).
>> Moved the device out of airplane mode
>> So why is nothing appearing in the sync log? :)
>> I've been chasing this for a couple of hours and I don't know what to
>> do next.  Previously when I was resetting the device from the horde
>> interface it would reappear almost immediately or at the next ping,
>> but this time it hasn't done that.  And I haven't changed anything
>> else other than what I did above, so I'm stumped.
> I fixed it.  When I touched the log-file it didn't have the
> write/right permissions.  I've been caught like that before.
> Contacts have synced, but calendar is still giving an issue.  It just
> goes around and around saying it found 73 changes left over from the
> last sync and never actually syncing anything past a certain date in
> July.  That date has 2 events, both of which I've deleted and
> recreated on the server to no avail.
> Is this normal?
> 2011-11-27T05:14:10+00:00 DEBUG: O        <POOMCAL:Timezone>
> 2011-11-27T05:14:10+00:00 DEBUG: O
> 2011-11-27T05:14:10+00:00 DEBUG: O        <POOMCAL:Timezone/>


> Or this?
> 2011-11-27T05:45:24+00:00 NOTICE: [androidc819015760] Error saving
> state for synckey {4ed1c718-87c8-4f45-93b9-0a0453aa4b6d}6: QUERY
> FAILED: Duplicate entry '{4ed1c718-87c8-4f45-93b9-0a0453aa4b6d}6' for
> key 'PRIMARY'

That is a normal log entry when there was some failure in a previous  
sync attempt.

> The latter message disappeared eventually,  I'm now up to
> 2011-11-27T06:47:22+00:00 DEBUG: [androidc819015760] Loading state for
> synckey {4ed1c718-87c8-4f45-93b9-0a0453aa4b6d}808
> 2011-11-27T06:47:22+00:00 DEBUG: [androidc819015760] Found 73 changes
> remaining from previous SYNC.
> How can I fix this?

This is a normal message also, indicating that a previous sync had  
more messages to transmit to the server that the device allows at one  
time. Not sure what would cause these to not be transmitted. Is there  
any setting in the device regarding how far back to sync events? Any  
other errors in the log?


The Horde Project (www.horde.org)
mrubinsk at horde.org

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