[horde] Sync issues.

Simon Brereton simon.brereton at buongiorno.com
Mon Nov 28 15:10:50 UTC 2011

On 27 November 2011 21:25, Michael J Rubinsky <mrubinsk at horde.org> wrote:
> Quoting Simon Brereton <simon.brereton at buongiorno.com>:
>> On 26 November 2011 12:58, Simon Brereton <simon.brereton at buongiorno.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> I have a device for a coworker that wasn't syncing.  It did initially
>>> with the addressbook (server to phone) and then not again (in either
>>> direction) and it synced the first test appointment from the phone to
>>> the server but nothing from the server to the phone.  In an effort to
>>> debug this, I did the following:
>>> Put the device in airplane mode
>>> Reset the device from the horde interface
>>> removed the sync.log (which was getting a constant stream of stuff).
>>> Moved the device out of airplane mode
>>> So why is nothing appearing in the sync log? :)
>>> I've been chasing this for a couple of hours and I don't know what to
>>> do next.  Previously when I was resetting the device from the horde
>>> interface it would reappear almost immediately or at the next ping,
>>> but this time it hasn't done that.  And I haven't changed anything
>>> else other than what I did above, so I'm stumped.
>> I fixed it.  When I touched the log-file it didn't have the
>> write/right permissions.  I've been caught like that before.
>> Contacts have synced, but calendar is still giving an issue.  It just
>> goes around and around saying it found 73 changes left over from the
>> last sync and never actually syncing anything past a certain date in
>> July.  That date has 2 events, both of which I've deleted and
>> recreated on the server to no avail.
>> Is this normal?
>> 2011-11-27T05:14:10+00:00 DEBUG: O        <POOMCAL:Timezone>
>> 2011-11-27T05:14:10+00:00 DEBUG: O
>> 2011-11-27T05:14:10+00:00 DEBUG: O        <POOMCAL:Timezone/>
> Yes.
>> Or this?
>> 2011-11-27T05:45:24+00:00 NOTICE: [androidc819015760] Error saving
>> state for synckey {4ed1c718-87c8-4f45-93b9-0a0453aa4b6d}6: QUERY
>> FAILED: Duplicate entry '{4ed1c718-87c8-4f45-93b9-0a0453aa4b6d}6' for
>> key 'PRIMARY'
> That is a normal log entry when there was some failure in a previous sync
> attempt.
>> The latter message disappeared eventually,  I'm now up to
>> 2011-11-27T06:47:22+00:00 DEBUG: [androidc819015760] Loading state for
>> synckey {4ed1c718-87c8-4f45-93b9-0a0453aa4b6d}808
>> 2011-11-27T06:47:22+00:00 DEBUG: [androidc819015760] Found 73 changes
>> remaining from previous SYNC.
>> How can I fix this?
> This is a normal message also, indicating that a previous sync had more
> messages to transmit to the server that the device allows at one time. Not
> sure what would cause these to not be transmitted. Is there any setting in
> the device regarding how far back to sync events? Any other errors in the
> log?

Thanks.  I managed to get it resolved in the end after deleting and
recreating a few more events.  I think it might also have been an
issue with the wireless connection (EDGE).


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