[horde] Missing conversion in turba

Klaus Steinberger klaus.steinberger at Physik.Uni-Muenchen.DE
Mon Dec 5 17:57:03 UTC 2011


I'm currently in the process of deploying horde4. Today I tried again to pull
over the database from our production horde3 System, but in the last update of
horde4 there seems to be a failing database conversion.

Horde said that all schemas are updated, but with turb i get the following error:

QUERY FAILED: Unknown column 'object_anniversary' in 'field list' SELECT
object_id, owner_id, object_type, object_members, object_uid, object_firstname,
object_lastname, object_middlenames, object_nameprefix, object_namesuffix,
object_alias, object_bday, object_anniversary, object_spouse, object_photo,
object_phototype, object_homestreet, object_homepob, object_homecity,
object_homeprovince, object_homepostalcode, object_homecountry,
object_workstreet, object_workpob, object_workcity, object_workprovince,
object_workpostalcode, object_workcountry, object_department, object_tz,
object_email, object_homephone, object_homefax, object_workphone,
object_cellphone, object_assistantphone, object_fax, object_pager, object_title,
object_role, object_company, object_logo, object_logotype, object_category,
object_notes, object_url, object_freebusyurl, object_pgppublickey,
object_smimepublickey, object_imaddress, object_imaddress2, object_imaddress3
FROM turba_objects WHERE (owner_id = 'Klaus.Steinberger' AND
((LOWER(object_nameprefix) LIKE LOWER('%Steinberger%') OR
LOWER(object_firstname) LIKE LOWER('%Steinberger%') OR LOWER(object_middlenames)
LIKE LOWER('%Steinberger%') OR LOWER(object_lastname) LIKE
LOWER('%Steinberger%') OR LOWER(object_namesuffix) LIKE LOWER('%Steinberger%'))))

It looks like the script 6_turba_upgrade_updateschema.php was not run?

My horde4 Version is up to date.

Klaus Steinberger

Rechnerbetriebsgruppe / IT, Fakultät für Physik
Klaus Steinberger
FAX: +49 89 28914280
Tel: +49 89 28914287
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